New Staff Installation Banquet


Price - $70.00

Dallas Chapter MOWW Change of Command and Awards Banquet 

Dallas Chapter MOWW Change of Command and Awards Banquet

The Commander and Staff of the Dallas Chapter of MOWW invite the Companions, Patriots, and guests to attend the annual Dallas Chapter MOWW Change of Command and Awards Banquet on 04 JUN 2024.  Our banquet will be held on the 17th floor of the Park City Club, 5956 Sherry Lane, Dallas, TX 75225.

Please indicate that you will attend by registering with the following options: 1. By registering on the chapter web site and paying by PayPal or credit card at  "events" NLT 5:00PM THE THURSDAY BEFORE ($70); 2. Mailing a check ($70) TO ARRIVE NLT 5:00PM THURSDAY THE WEEK BEFORE to MOWW-Dallas; P.O. Box 12081; Dallas 75225.

Cocktails - 1800

Dinner - 1900

Dress Blues/Mess Dress/ Tuxedo/Suit w/decorations