Collin County Deputy Sheriff recognized for outstanding accomplishments

Collin County Deputy Sheriff recognized for outstanding accomplishments

DALLAS—The Dallas Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars recognized Collin County Deputy
Sheriff Ryan Nance at its monthly chapter luncheon on Nov. 7 for his accomplishments within the Collin
County Sheriff’s Department and his contributributions to the public safety of the community.

“Deputy Nance has consistently exhibited ethical dedication and mental toughness,” said MOWW Dallas
Law and Order Committee Chair Chuck Daniels, who is a former US Navy lieutenant. “He has maintained
the mindset to work towards higher goals, beginning as a detention officer and following with
patrol deputy, field training officer, search and rescue dive team member and sniper on the SWAT team.
He is an outstanding example of why the Collin County Sheriff’s Department is considered one of the
best in the nation.”

The Military Order of the World Wars is a patriotic, nonpar????san Veterans Service Organization (VSO)
whose motto is, “It is nobler to serve than to be served.” Through its chapters across the nation, it provides
support to veterans of all ranks and services; youth patriotic (civic) education; college ROTC and
high school JROTC programs; scouting; monuments and memorials; law and order programs; national
and homeland security programs. The Dallas Chapter offers recognition of the service and achievements
by law enforcement officers, firefighters, and paramedics as part of the overarching MOWW Police and
Firefighters Support Programs.

MEDIA CONTACT: Martie Cenkci